Travel Planning Tips For Senior Citizens

Age should be no bar when it comes to traveling and exploring the world. C’mon, you’ve worked hard all your life, and now that you’re retired you really do owe it to yourself to tick off all your travel goals from your bucket list. While mobility or health-related issues might feel like a deterrent, they don’t have to be with these tips —


Regardless of whether you are traveling solo or with another fellow senior citizen, roping in a travel agent is a good idea to make sure all of your requirements are taken care of, ranging from wheelchairs, special seating, senior-citizen-friendly travel experiences, suitable hotels and more. In case you decide to plan your trip without professional assistance, make sure you do the due diligence of calling your airline and hotel(s) 48 hours in advance with any special requirements you have.


Prioritize Health 

Check with your doctor in case you need to receive any vaccinations before traveling, or if you need to take any particular health precautions once you get to your destination. Make sure you carry a travel first aid kit, extra medication, copies of your prescription, medical statements and insurance information. It is a good idea to also do the due diligence of Google Mapping hospitals around your hotel, in case you experience a medical emergency. Ensure that there are people back home who know your itinerary and always have a number to reach you on. Keeping you cell phone working by taking a local sim card is the best way to ensure that your family is able to closely track your trip.


Keep It Simple 

Save yourself a lot of stress by keeping things straightforward with all of your travel arrangements. For example, book direct flights. Opt for flight timings that are mid-morning or early afternoon so you have more energy. Pick a hotel room close to the elevator. Select activities that don’t cause exhaustion. Book aisle seats on long flights so you can stretch your legs and use the bathroom easily. Request for help with your luggage. In short, try to avoid complications as much as you can.

Double Check The Nitty-Gritty 

Pay attention to the finer details of your travel plans for the best experience. Call your hotel and make sure your room has a raised toilet and grab bars, for example.If you have special dietary requirements, check with the hotels staff if suitable arrangements can be made. As other friends of yours who travel regularly for recommendations, too, about do’s and don’ts if they have visited the destination you are heading to – it always helps to talk to someone who has been there, done that.

We hope these tips help you plan your vacation more effectively. Bon voyage!

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