How to protect your camera & take great pictures during Holi

Holi hai! While this riot of colours is the funnest festival we have, Holi is also a celebration that doesn’t spare anyone. Not even your camera, for that matter. While you can survive the toxic dyes and water soaked goodness, you camera probably won’t.

Thankfully there is always a way out. Cameras are sensitive and expensive gadgets thus they need to be pampered. Most importantly, key areas like the sensor and the lens for a DSLR. With a few basic steps and some essentials you can capture your Holi madness with elan. Here’s how:


Seal it

Don’t rely on flimsy grocery bags to secure the body of the camera from water, like you do with your phone. And no, using double bags is not going to help either. High quality camera cases that are used to take your SLR on your splashy holidays come in handy during Holi too. This  waterproof gear from Aquapac (Bragpacker price: Rs. 60/day)will protect your expensive SLR from all the perils of Holi. And it is a small cost as compared to the damage it avoids. Another tip, use a basic UV filter to protect your lens glass. It will offer that essential first layer of protection to your lens. Just check the diameter of the lens and pick up a basic filter for as little as Rs. 300/-.


Load it

You don’t want to fidget with the interiors of the camera or open anything that leaves them exposed while you are playing holi. So it is a good idea to load the batteries and memory card before you bathe in the glory of colourful powders. Insert the largest memory card you have in your camera’s slot. Make sure it’s a fast card if you plan to do a lot of burst shooting. Also, set up the mode, ISO, aperture, metering, light settings beforehand as far as possible so that you dont have to fiddle much while the action is on. We recommend the Aperture Priority mode and increasing your contrast settings for the best results.


Compact it

If you are still apprehensive about taking your bulky DSLR out on Holi-day, try the Go-pro mounted on a selfie stick (Bragpacker price: Rs. 490/day). With it’s waterproof housing and small form factor, the Gopro is meant to be splashed around. Just find the right angle to record all your memories without worrying. A high end point and shoot is just as capable of taking amazing pics and videos – a simple waterproof camera case is all you will need with it. 

Lens up

Holi is a great time for budding photographers to expand their craft as it posses unique challenges in capturing the moment. Your stock 18-55mm is just not going to cut it in many situations. You best bet is a prime lens with a wide aperture, especially if you are going to be in the middle of the action yourself. Its super fast, compact and amazing optically. We recommend the 50mm f1.4 (Bragpacker price: Rs. 350/day)or even a  f1.8 will do. If you are going to shoot from a vantage point then you can opt for a telephoto – you can do no better than the 70-200mm F2.8 (Bragpacker price: Rs. 700/day)but even the more basic 18-200 F4.5-5.6 (Bragpacker price: Rs. 175/day) will serve the purpose. Dont forget the take extra batteries and memory cards along as the action will come to you thick and fast.

Let us know if we can help you with the equipment.

Happy clicking and Happy Holi!!


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