The Results Of Our Survey Are In – More Indians Travel For Adventure Than Relaxation

We were curious to find out more about the habits of Indian travellers – travel styles they identify with, budgets they set for domestic and international holidays and pre-travel shopping behaviour – we recently conducted a survey. And, the results are finally in! Let’s take a look at the four key findings, shall we?

1. Seeking New Adventures Is The Main Reason Millenials Travel 

More than a quarter of Indians see themselves as “adventure seekers” who are always ready to try something new – in fact, for just millennials, over a third identified themselves with this category. On the other hand, 20.3% identify as “soul searchers” who look at travel as the time to cut off and find peace. 16.7% identify as “backpackers” who like to experience local culture on a budget, and 15.9% identify as “touristy tourists” who use checklists and guidebooks to see it all. Thus, the survey points to the diversity of reasons that Indians identify with when it comes to travel.


2. 69% Indians Travel With A Fixed Budget In Mind  

60% Indians look to take at least 1-2 trips a year, with an additional 30% taking 3-5 trips in the year. However, 69.3% Indians do keep a fixed budget in mind. What does this budget look like? Two-thirds of Indian travellers set a budget of less than a lakh per person for international trips – however, this budget reduces to INR 50,000 for over 80% of domestic trips.

When budgets are stretching, the first two areas of compromise to keep things within budget are travel shopping and finding cheaper hotels. F&B spends are less likely to face cut-backs. 75% of Indians indicated they spend money on pre-travel shopping, including clothes and travel accessories – this number shoots up to 87% of millenials.

3. Renting Travel Products Is Finding Increasing Traction Across Age Groups, But Especially With Millenials 

The sharing economy in India extends to travel gear, which is finding wide acceptability across age groups. Over 50% travellers indicated they tend to borrow something or the other from friends & family before travelling – this number shoots up to 74% when it comes to millenials.

85% respondents said they would consider renting travel gear, especially if it helps them save money and try the latest travel gadgets.

Although saving money was the biggest motivator for millenials to rent, accessing specialized products that would rarely be used otherwise, is the main reason that Gen X and Seniors would consider renting products instead of buying.

4. Indian Travellers Seek The Security Of Brands, But Remain Price-Driven


75 % of Indians said they spend money on pre-travel shopping, including clothes and travel accessories – this number is as high as 87% for millenials, perhaps indicating the centrality of travel as a major consumption event in their life. When it comes to buying cameras and bags, 75% prefer brick-and-mortar shops. However, the majority prefers shopping for clothes and travel accessories online.

85% respondents said they prefer purchasing branded luggage items. However, when probed further, 50% said they preferred mid-market brands over premium ones. Even when it comes to travel clothing, 70% indicated they were focused on picking up functional, destination-appropriate clothes; only 20% said they bought branded clothes specifically to make a style statement.

When it comes to cameras, the majority desired feature-packed options available at a reasonable price. A third of Gen X respondents considered ease of use as the main criteria as compared to a fifth among millennials. At 16%, millennials were twice as likely to prefer the latest gadget, irrespective of price.

As you can see from the overall survey results, the Indian traveler is definitely coming of age in their travel ambition, but they continue to seek value in their spending. It’ll be exciting to see how travellers continue to evolve in the years to follow!

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